Women's Clothing Stores - The Gallery at Military Circle - Norfolk, Virginia
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Women's Clothing Stores

List of Women's Clothing Stores in The Gallery at Military Circle (Norfolk, VA).

Store phone: 757-466-1022

Store phone: 757-466-8656
Ashley Stewart

Store phone: 757-455-6366

Store phone: 757-455-0733

Store phone: 757-466-0615
Foot Locker

Store phone: 757-461-6008

Store phone: 757-893-1671
Harold Pener Man of Fashion

Store phone: 757-461-9490

Store phone: 757-461-3705
Jimmy Jazz

Store phone: 757-466-7286
Lady Foot Locker

Store phone: 757-893-9026
Man Alive

Store phone: 757-455-8102

Store phone: 757-461-6144
Monique's Boutique

Store phone: 757-461-9263
New York & Company

Store phone: 757-466-5051
Ross Dress for Less

Store phone: 757-455-6955

Store phone: 757-461-4778
Street Stuff

Store phone: 757-461-3356
Style Setter

Store phone: 757-461-6791
Underground Station

Store phone: 757-466-7668
Up Against the Wall

Store phone: 757-466-0619
Victoria's Secret